The teaching style at the college emphasizes continuous assessment and trainees are encouraged to focus more on practical learning sessions than theoretical sessions. After successful completion of each level, trainees are required to pass a national competency assessment. Instructors at Alage ATVT College are Msc, Bsc or Diploma holders. Every year, some instructors join a regular Msc degree program in different Universities to obtain further training and improve their profession. Short term capacity building training, training on occupational standards and curriculum development as well as pedagogical training for newly recruited instructors is given in different times. Since its establishment, Alage ATVT College has been engaged in a variety of activities in the community and has widened its scope in the training it provides. In addition to providing excellent training, the college has always been strongly dedicated to providing service to the community. The high quality services it provides and the essential role it plays in producing skilled and competent trainees are the main reasons why it provides great contribution to the community and why it is often ranked first among other colleges in the country that provide similar training programs. Besides its regular training of middle level development agents, the college also provides short term training for model farmers from the surrounding community. It also provides mobile veterinary services and improved seed, bull and poultry for farmers in the surrounding area. Currently, the college is making great efforts to improve the fields of trainings it offers and to be the most influential agricultural and vocational training program in Ethiopia. It is striving more than ever before by employing better strategies for scaling up the skills, knowledge and attitude of trainees, improving engagement with community members and advocating for new ways of utilizing technology transfer. Furthermore, it is continuing to provide employment opportunities for jobless youth and supporting small business holders to ensure an all rounded benefit for the whole community. At present, Alage ATVT College is trying to build a first-class vocational college with an elite team that strives for excellence and works towards the goal of becoming a first-class ATVT college nationally and internationally. In particular, the general college community and academic staff are committed to contributing to national economic development and cultivating noble values in diversity with the goal of producing committed, highly disciplined and skilled trainees. The College also works in Collaboration with national and international governmental and non-governmental organizations for mutual benefit and growth development. “Creating Entrepreneurial trainee for better future” previous.
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